user image
  • Name:Doniben
  • Last Name:Jimenez Jaramillo
  • Tel: +57 314 408 7211
  • Birthday:06/06/1991
  • Nationality:Colombian

About Me

I am a Social Sciences Teacher, Full-Stack Software Developer, Scriptwriter, and language-learning activist. My primary professional objective revolves around interdisciplinary processes. I have diverse experiences as a teacher, audiovisual producer, social activist in language-learning, and software development.

As a team player, I quickly adapt to new situations and persevere until tasks are completed. I possess expertise in both back-end and Front-end technologies, including Python (Django, Flask), C, Bash Script, JavaScript (React and React Native), Ruby (Ruby on Rails), HTML, CSS, Bootstrap, Bulma, Tailwind, Nginx, Azure, AWS, Git, Linux, MySQL, MongoDB, DynamoDB, and PostgreSQL.

I am deeply passionate about knowledge, arts, and technology. My goal is to integrate these cultivated disciplines philosophically, not only to excel in the tech industry but also to foster new creation processes that contribute to a better society and a better world.

Download here each Curriculum Vitae according to your interests


  • Python Django:

  • Python Flask:

  • C language:

  • MySQL:

  • Bash Script:

  • JavaScript React:

  • JavaScript React-Native:

  • Ruby on rails:


  • Bootstrap:

  • Tailwind:

  • Nginx:

  • Microsoft azure:

  • Amazon Web Services:

  • Git (Github, Gitlab):

  • Atlas.ti:

  • APA:

  • Pedagogical processes:

  • Research skills:

  • Curriculum planning:

  • Creative Teaching:

  • Writing skills:

  • Celtx:

  • Kit Scenarist:

  • Final Cut Pro X:

  • Logic Pro X:

  • Camera handling:

  • Sound recording:


Contact me

Bogotá D.C

(+57) 314 408 7211